Indian Psychiatric Society official statement: homosexuality is not a mental illness

February 6, 2014:
The Indian Psychiatric Society has just posted the following statement by Dr.T.V.Asokan, President, and Dr. N.N.Raju, General Secretary, on their website,
“Based on existing scientific evidence and good practice guidelines from the field of psychiatry, Indian Psychiatric Society would like to state that there is no evidence to substantiate the belief that homosexuality is a mental illness or a disease. IPS will issue a more detailed statement in due course of time”.
Thanks to IPS for this official clarification, which was much needed in light of contradictory statements made in January/February 2014 by some of its office bearers (see here and here).
Orinam and other community groups look forward to working with IPS to sensitise mental health professionals on LGBT issues, advocate for inclusion of these issues in the undergraduate and relevant postgraduate medical curricula and in-service training, and to end unethical/unscientific practices of “conversion” therapy that continue to exist in all parts of India.
Please check with Sweekar Institute of Mental Health in Hyderabad who are still practicing “Conversion Therapy”.
Dear Sir & Oraganisation,
As I am a Male Homosexual. But I want to convert to heterosexual.
Is this possible? How many months it will take to cure ?
Its great to see tiny specks of progress in a country which is regressing with the speed of Light. people need to educate themselves to the fact that homosexuality is normal, n cure these homophobes of their ignorance!
As a responsible,educated,concerned,relieved and proud citizen/friend/brother, i would like to thank IPS for clearing the air and for coming out with an official statement regarding homosexuality. A clear outlook of IPS will help a lot of struggling/coming out LGBT individuals to cope with the rotten mindset of many.
Also, I request IPS to make sure that no further irresponsible comments are made by any member of the Society which may mislead and feed the growing stigma of our society against homosexuality, and that necessary actions are taken against the members who made those immature and baseless comments about homosexuality in January 2014.
Hope to see IPS working more closely and sincerely to make a better society.
Thanks again 🙂
Anshalu Bansal
To psychiatrists: Being negatively judgemental about issues that are least known by individuals don’t only misguide the mass but also makes the situation worse. Please do some homework before writing or speaking about sensitive issues like homosexuality…