For Survivors of Sexual Violence
The December 2012 rape in New Delhi and all the writing/talk around it have triggered in many of us acutely unpleasant or traumatic memories of past sexual assault, family violence and child sexual abuse. These have included women, men and transpeople, and from all over India.

Below are some resources for survivors and their friends and loved ones. We are urgently seeking additional resources in terms of counseling or therapy support for survivors throughout India: please send us a message if you are a counselor yourself, or know of any with experience in this area who could be added to our listing. We also welcome first-person narratives, which will be treated as strictly anonymous. Contributions can cover any context, gender and sexuality, including sexual violence from intimate partners (same-gender and cis-trans relationships), hookups and date rape.
- Listening with your heart by Bhavana, for those who are listening to survivors they know speaking of their grief or memories.
- How Revealing, online collection of first-person narratives pertaining to sexual violence and sexism in India.
- How To Help Someone Heal from a Rape or Sexual Assault from Band Back Together survivors’ project
- Coping With The Trauma of Rape, by Amy Scholten, MPH, from the University of Southern California Keck Medical Center, USA
- Understanding Trauma Triggers, from the US National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma and Mental Health [pdf]
- A personal guide to coping: Coping with Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, by Dr. Ed. Beckham, Oklahoma, USA [pdf]
- Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, from RAINN, the US Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.
- Askios: multiple resources for survivors of child sexual abuse, including a directory of organizations working on the issue.
- Parivarthan Counselling, Training and Research Centre is willing to offer group therapy for survivors of sexual assault, provided there are 6-8 participants. Please contact [email protected] for more information
- InnerSight Counseling – contact at +91-80-4164-9080 or email [email protected]
- Vimochana: Forum for Women’s Rights, has numerous services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence, such as emotional and legal support, direct intervention, facilitating negotiated settlements and providing shelter, through their Angala crisis centre and Kuteera shelter for survivors of violence
- EnFold offers many child safety services including help for survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
- Viveka Centre for Emotional Support: Marital and Inter-personal relationships, Loss and Grief, Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, etc.
- East-West Center for Counselling offers individual and group therapy sessions, including for survivors of sexual assault. Contact [email protected] or call the number lists on the website for more information.
- Tulir Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse
- Elaan is an NGO dealing with child sexual abuse, and may be contacted for referrals to counseling services for survivors.
- Arpan offers counseling and other therapeutic services for children and adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
- Rahi Foundation offers support services for survivors of incest and childhood sexual abuse