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மறுமொழி இடவும்

உங்கள் மின்னஞ்சல் வெளியிடப்பட மாட்டாது தேவையான புலங்கள் * குறிக்கப்பட்டன


  1. those all are America settled family only.why nobody ll not give voice from India?what is the reason for that?they r spoiling our Indian culture from there.why that families can not come to India and do awareness to other peoples?if they can ,they come to Indian villages and let know to village peoples that my daughter or my sister is a lesbian or my brother is a guy so this is not a sin or wrong all are do like this.otherwise can thy tell to their relation’s marriage function at India that my daughter is a lesbian? god was made men for women only not for another men.homosexual is a feeling but that is only for fun.if somebody ve this feeling ve should give love,care and fun.and do not avoid like that persons.but that is not a life to fix somebody.then how population ll grow?

    1. Mathan: If you read the article carefully, Mrs.Shah talks about her relatives IN INDIA. They know about Amy and Amanda and are supportive of them. Also there are many families in India who are supportive of their LGBT loved ones. You are wrong, if you think only families living abroad support their LGBT loved ones. For more stories, please visit our parents and family page in Tamil at:

      10% of every population is made of homosexuals, says a research. If the society respects and supports us, we can lead a life of dignity. This will not in anyway affect Indian culture or stop ‘population growth’, as you are worried. The remaining 90% are more than enough to procreate and keep us going. Also just so you know, many same-sex couples have kids either through surrogacy or adoption. There is no need for you to worry!

      Also homosexuals, and other sexual minorities (Bisexuals and Transgenders) have always been part of the Indian society and culture. The only change in the recent years is that they are visible and vocal. Hindu mythology has numerous LGBT characters. For more information visit

  2. omg நான் இந்தியாவில் வாழும் ஒரு (gay? I’m not used to this haha, திருநம்பி என்றால் ஒரு MTF மாற்றுபால் நபர் தானே?) நம்பி (-ஆக இருக்கலாம், தெரியவில்லை haha), வயது 18, தருண் ரவி வழக்கை பற்றி google செய்தபொழுது தான் இந்த வலைதளத்தை கண்டுபிடித்தேன், என்னால சத்தியமா இதை நம்பவே முடியலெ ‘என் மகளும் மருமகளும்’?? தமிழில் இப்படிப்பட்ட ஒரு கட்டுரையை படிப்பேன் என்று நான் நினைத்து பார்த்திருக்கவே மாட்டேன்… I hope life turns out okay for me.