Fundraiser faces Fundie: a report of homophobia in Mumbai

Ed: This report by Pallav describes an incident at the Friday Jan 13, 2012, fundraiser for Mumbai’s Queer Azaadi March. It is being shared on Orinam with consent of the author. Follow the QAM blog for updates, and support their efforts!
Dear Queerdom
The Gossip Fund raiser party was held last night in Metro Lounge in┬аOshiwara. Gossip had a QAM fundraiser wherein every entry contributed┬аRs.100 towards QAM. The party had revved up enough numbers and people┬аseemed comfortable in the disc area and the terrace above. At 11.45pm Vivek and I were about to leave the party when Sibi mentioned that there was an┬аissue downstairs.
As we walked towards the exit we had venue staff telling us that we could┬аnot leave since there were police outside. A guy with a ponytail,┬аbeard, kohl-eyed and wearing a vest was standing there instructing the┬аpolice to go and check on the party. He said his name was Haji Ahmed Sahab┬аBawa (HASB) and he claimed to be a member of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). He also was showing videos┬аthat he had clicked inside the party. He was threatening the venue staff┬аthat he would raise complaints against them and that seemed to have freaked┬аthem. There was confusion for some time as to whether we could leave or┬аnot. Some of us stood at the gate asking the cops what was the exact reason┬аthat they were there for. The cops mentioned that they were checking on the┬аvenueтАЩs permissions and seeing if everything was in order . Although the┬аcops were not being very aggressive, HASB was giving directions to the cops┬аas to what they should do . He kept talking incessantly on the phone┬аshouting тАЬMedia Ko BulaoтАЭ.
Sibi tried to speak to the cops and HASB by mentioning that we are doing┬аnothing illegal and that section 377 reading down clearly states so. HASB┬аmentioned that his party has ordered a stay in the Supreme Court against┬аreading down of section 377 (factually incorrect). He kept threatening the┬аpolice and the venue staff.
Vivek and I tried to understand from the police , what exactly was the┬аissue and we were not getting any clear answers. We asked the police that┬аwe would like to address the issue at the police station and understand┬аwhat is the reason that the party is being stopped. They mentioned that┬аthey were from Oshiwara Police Station. We ensured that all party goers be┬аsafely allowed to leave the venue and police co-operated. As we walked out┬аthere was a huge crowd that had collected on the street outside. HASB came┬аout and I yelled out to him that we want to see him in the police station┬аand understand his issues. He did not hear me out and ran towards the car┬аas I ran behind him yelling at him to come to Oshiwara Police station. He┬аwas accompanied by a guy who held me and pushed me away, I asked him if he┬аwas police , since he was in plainclothes. I told him that he has no proof┬аthat he is the police. He pushed me away again, I told him that he has no┬аbusiness touching me. This guy also dashed along with HASB to the car and┬аsaid that they were going to the police station. I told him that I do not┬аbelieve that he is going to the police station and what if he gets away. I┬аwent close to his car and started taking pics of HASB. By this time a crowd┬аof 10-15 had collected from the party and had surrounded HASBтАЩs car and┬аrefused to let him drive away. We took more pictures. We finally let him┬аdrive away when we were assured by the uniformed police that the guy with┬аhim in the car was a policeman.
We went to the Oshiwara police station and saw HASBтАЩs car waiting outside.┬аA huge crowd from the party of 30 people collected outside Oshiwara Police┬аstation. Vivek, Praful, Sibi and me were allowed inside to talk to the┬аpolice station. It was a long wait , HASB sat with the police inspector┬аShirsat of Oshiwara Police Station and gave his complaint in written. While┬аHASB was with the police , the policeman in plainsclothes got into an┬аargument with us. He said that he will make an official complaint that he┬аwas attacked by the partygoers. We calmed him down and explained that we┬аwere all homosexual men and we see nothing wrong with that. We have a Pride┬аMarch on the 28th which has valid police permissions and we are only┬аfundraising for it. Post that he calmed down and said that he was on duty┬аand we are free to present our point of view to the police inspector.Post┬аThat the police discussed the issue with the Venue manager and asked him to┬аkill the issue. The manager was extremely worried about his venue being in┬аtrouble and did not wish to make a big issue about this. He kept on asking┬аus to back out. We refused saying that it was not about the venue but an┬аissue about our identities being attacked and due care would be taken that┬аthe venue does not face any problems. We insisted that we speak to the┬аinspector Shirsath. Sibi, Vivek and I presented ourselves to ShirsatтАЩs┬аtable and we discussed the issue. Shirsat mentioned that he had no problems┬аagainst the party and there is no illegality with being gay. He quoted HASB┬аand mentioned that he has asked HASB to produce documentary evidence that┬аsays that gay parties are illegal. Shirsath mentioned that ideally when a ┬аparty is being organized there needs to be an intimation to the local┬аpolice station about the party , they did not have it and hence they were┬аobliged to act on a complaint by HASB. On the whole Shisrath was very┬аcordial and apologized if on behalf of his police team there was any┬аinconvenience caused to anyone.
Shirsath mentioned that there would be a meeting in Oshiwara Police station┬аon Saturday along with HASB and someone either Vivek or me maybe called to┬аpresent our point of view. HASB has filed an NC of damage to his car.
We left asking Shirsath how we can file a complaint against HASB , he┬аmentioned that he would give us his details and we could do the needful.
Outide the crowds were yet on the street till 2.30 am . We went out and┬аapprised them of our conversations with the Police. Mid Day and Time Now.┬аReporters were outside for the story and the crowd of 30 faced cameras to┬аsay that we are fundraising here and we are not scared anymore, we will┬аfight this harassment and ensure that QAM 2012 is a success!
Back in VivekтАЩs house and I could not sleep until I wrote this out!