Remembering Anannya Krishnan: TDOR 2018

Image source: Orinam
On Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), Nov 20, 2018, we at Orinam honour the memory of Anannya Krishnan.
Anannya, a transgender woman, reached out to us in 2016 and joined one of our online groups, Gender Euphoria. Over the months, she grew more and more confident with disclosing and living in her true gender. She also emerged as a source of support to other young transgender people.
A pharmacologist by training, she managed to land a corporate job as a Drug Safety Associate: a job at which she was able to be out in the workplace.
She signed on to Sampoorna’s Open Letter of Sept 23, 2017 to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Transgender Persons Bill, gave a public talk (TEDxNapierBridgeWomen, Nov 5, 2017, and also spoke at a British Council panel discussion on Diversity and Inclusion on Dec 9, 2017, representing Orinam.
Her struggles to find a place to live, and the strife within her family, proved too much to handle, and she took her life on Dec 30, 2017.
On this day, TDOR 2018, Orinam and Diversity Dialogues dedicate our guide Transgender-Affirming Guidelines for Indian Workplaces to the memory of Anannya.
Anannya’s TEDxNapierBridgeWomen talk may be viewed below.
Some resources including suicide helplines are at