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  1. I’m really glad you decided to share your story Andy. Its the most impactful story I’ve ever heard. It most definitely will encourage people to start thinking about how to deal with someone who comes out to them and also about accepting ones own sexuality. Beautifully written!

  2. Dear Andy,
    This is extremely moving. I can’t even begin to imagine how much courage and strength it would have take for you to overcome this situation in life and also to share something this personal and intense with rest of the world. Kudos to you! Ancy’s story will change many minds and hearts. That will be her legacy. I am sure she is very proud of you. Thanks for sharing your story.

  3. dear andy,

    You have articulated beautifully, a profound take home message for all of us, both inside and outside the LGBT circles : to keep an open mind concerning the issues of others. And i really hope, you experience may provide a suitable guide for folks who are facing such dilemmas.

  4. that is a tragic story with a good ending.
    tragic for the sister, good for the brother.
    the brothers story and my life have many common elements, especially being bisexual and connected with the catholic church.
    having migrated to australia, i have seen religious organisations in a different light.

    i am spiritual, believe in jesus- god as a spirit that is beyond human imagination.

    i dont believe in religious organisations and their men written books. they are there to serve a purpose, to help men have a moral compass. DONT BELIEVE all they say. check their ACTIONS.
    some of the men made teachings reflect human weakness which result in bigotry.

    moral of the story:
    1. accept yourself, negatives and positives
    2. love yourself
    3.thank god for all the blessings and call for help (if needed) good to others, don’t hurt.