Vishal goes to Vivekananda College: a fairy tale
In which Vishal gets his B.Com. admission, makes a new friend, and more…
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
In which Vishal gets his B.Com. admission, makes a new friend, and more…
We must focus on how we can be better humans: not what someone wears or who they sleep with.
The Right to Privacy judgements most certainly include the right to one’s self-identified gender identity as upheld in NALSA v. Union of India.
The Right to Privacy judgements most certainly include the right to one’s self-identified gender identity as upheld in NALSA v. Union of India.
Yesterday, the Supreme Court gave its judgment in a case…
The Right to Privacy judgment [PDF link here] earlier today in no…
When all citizens are freed from the shackles of prejudice and oppression, then we will truly have reason to celebrate independence.
lying on the bed, i tend a sacrificial fire, and invent a new hymn: this.
The Standing Committee report on the Trans Rights Bill, and the Bill itself, deny transgender people those constitutional rights upheld in the NALSA judgement.
Rainbow Tree, by Nayan: Watercolor on paper, 2017