Raj Rao reads in Chennai: Dec 14 and Dec 15, 2012
Raj Rao reads poetry in Chennai on Dec 14 and 15, courtesy Prakriti Foundation.
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
Raj Rao reads poetry in Chennai on Dec 14 and 15, courtesy Prakriti Foundation.
Tamil translation of Hillary Clinton’s historic speech on LGBT rights
Orinam’s Quilt, the reading group of Orinam, will meet at Zha Cafe, Adyar, on Dec 30, 2012. Bring your favorite queer-themed fiction/non-fiction/poem and share with the group.
India has a lot of work to do when it comes to women’s sexual and reproductive freedom and rights
Barry Taylor speaks to our communities and allies on suicide prevention on Nov 27 in Chennai: discussion organized by Orinam with East West Center for Counseling.
In this intensely personal essay, Orinam member Vinodhan writes about living with depression
Youth Voices Count seeks young MSM and transpeople from India for their Asia-Pacific network
California Governor Jerry Brown made history today by signing a landmark bill that will protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth from psychological abuse by deceitful mental health professionals who falsely claim to be able to change their sexual orientation or gender expression.
inspired by Sandra Cisneros’ 1995 poem ‘You bring out the Mexican in me’
In memory of Ramu