My Son is like Krishna!
Sudha Santhanam explains how she came to terms with her son’s sexuality and accepted him unconditionally. Translated by Niruj Mohan Ramanujam.
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
Sudha Santhanam explains how she came to terms with her son’s sexuality and accepted him unconditionally. Translated by Niruj Mohan Ramanujam.
Do you know of any published/quickly publishable data or research on Indian LGBT community? People involved with the 377 case need your help. Please spread the word.
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case. Opponents’ arguments have concluded and arguments from our side (against 377) has started.
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case
Vikram reports about an event in 2008 where the Prime Minister of India, stated the need to support groups like homosexuals against social prejudice.
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case
Bangalore has hosted film festivals on themes related to lesbian,…
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case
The Supreme Court on Thursday referred to sculptures of Khajuraho to emphasise that gay sex was not an offence before the British enacted the IPC in 1860.