Poem: Half My Love Poems
Video from Airplane Poetry Movement’s Poetry Performance: Taboo! at High Spirits in Pune on February 22, 2015.
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
Video from Airplane Poetry Movement’s Poetry Performance: Taboo! at High Spirits in Pune on February 22, 2015.
Manasi Nene is the founder of the Pune Poetry Slam. She is - as of April 2015 - a student at the Foundation for Liberal and Management Education. Manasi loves anything that questions dominant culture, and writes about it. Currently, her only aim in life is to meet Carrie Brownstein. Manasi can be found on Twitter at @manasi_nene.
Watch the short film ‘Kuch Palon Mein’ by Hyderabad-based filmmaker Avinash Matta. This film was screened as part of Reel Desires: Chennai International Queer Film Festival 2013.
A short story by Mujeebur Rahman.
Guilt, a poem by Aniruddhan Vasudevan
Something Stupid – fiction by Author Mahesh Natarajan
Dr. Anirudh Kala’s reflections on Indian psychiatry’s chequered relationship with homosexuality and conversion therapies.
In this hangout, some of Orinam’s members who are gay, talk about how they dealt with their family members post coming out.
‘Half my love poems will not be heard until all the love is treated equally!’
Brilliant !