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  1. Kudos to Justice Verma and the committee!

    In 2011, Justice Verma, representing National Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) slapped a fine on TV9 for their extremely offensive expose of gay websites in Hyderabad (see

    As Privacy India notes “By holding that the “Programme needlessly violated the right to privacy of individuals with possible alternate sexual orientation, no longer considered taboo or a criminal act” the order advances, “not wholly or in full measure but very substantially” the important feat of constitutionalization of criminal and civil law in aid of sexuality minorities in India that was achieved by the Naz Foundation case.”

    We need more Justice Vermas!

  2. Overall it seems like a great proposed revision. I would also question the definition of a perpetrator as always being “a man.” Clearly women and transgender people are also capable of sexual assault, especially if the definition is to include cunnilingus and fellatio as in the proposed revision.

  3. Bravo!

    The world would be a better place to live in if we had more people like Justice Verma, Justice Seth and Gopal Subramaniam.