[poem] Digital “dating” Dystopia?

Swipe right swipe left
Swipe right swipe left
A monotonous motion
Almost like marching
Left right left right
Only with much less motive
And some misplaced purpose
We may have even forgotten about
Occasionally there is a “Boom”
You matched it says..
if it’s on Tinder
You get a room
If it’s on Bumble
You always fumble
Ok Cupid
Could get morbid
The apps never ending
It’s just a business machine
Making us hope there is someone out there
Looking for you
What have we become in this digital age
Staring at screens lying on our couches
Shopping for people like for things
Is this the future of the human touch
Not really wanting beyond this much..?
Orange may be the new black
In the digital date world
You better be ready for that ghosting attack!
Image credit: Santeri Viinamäki, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons