Pope permits blessings for same-gender Catholic couples

The following are reflections of -Ruby Almeida, Indian-origin queer activist, and chair of LGBT+ Catholics, Westminster, UK.
“The news that Pope Francis has approved blessings for same-gender couples … is nothing short of wonderful for those many couples in committed relationships… The idea, not to say practice, that a loving and committed same-gender couple could deserve a blessing in their faith and from the Church that they love so much, has been a struggle for the Church for far too long.
Following on the recent announcements about LGBT+ access to, and involvement in, Baptism & Confirmation celebrations, the Church is taking another small step towards the radical inclusion of LGBT+ people of God… This is a massive step forward in the recognition and acceptance of all who seek a blessing for their loving and committed relationships.”
“We know that around the world our community face much violence and rejection by their communities and by their Church leaders. They cannot even live a life of knowing what it is like to be be loved by a partner, for fear of their lives. Therefore, this blessing, this aspiration that we all have is but an unachievable dream for many. But to dream is to hope. We pray that this dream, this blessing will be something that they will one day be able to have.”
Image and text courtesy Ruby Almeida. The content is from two media releases, that of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholicss of which Ruby is a media officer, and of the LGBT+ Catholics Westminster, of which she is the Chair.