R.I.P. Anil/Mariya

Anil Sadanandan (who also went by Mariya) was a trans activist living and working in Kerala, India. S/he was a vocal, queer activist who was open about her identity both in the media and at events like Kerala Queer Pride.
On May 10th, Anil/Mariya was brutally murdered. Accounts detail that they sprinkled chilli powder on her, presumably to keep away the police. We, her friends, family and those who knew her vibrant spirit — mourn her loss.
Anil’s murder is a brutal signal from the murderous homophobic patriarchy that trans people/queer people/ non-conforming persons of all kinds have no right to live, much less live with equality and dignity. We cannot let this horrible injustice be quietly erased. The one’s whose bodies and lives are the most vulnerable are also the ones who do most of the fighting. In Solidarity. For Justice.
Media coverage:
- NewsNET East: Murdered Trans- activist faced hate from neighbours, May 11, 2012
- NewsNET East: Mystery, Panic shrouds Queer activist’s Murder, May 11, 2012
- AsianAge: Gay rights Activist Murdered, May 11, 2012
Take Action:
- Justice for Maria group on FB – In solidarity. For Justice. For Maria/Anil.
- Please leave your tribute as comments below
This message was initially posted by Sumathi on Facebook and has been republished with her consent.
This is so sad and outrageous. Thanks Sumathi for bringing this to our attention. I hope Anil’s murderers will be brought to justice. RIP Maria!
I am pained, angered and shocked at this brutal murder of a really fun loving spirit. I took many photos of Mariya at last year’s thrissur pride, one of which is published with this article. there needs to be community monitoring of the police investigation and trial so that there is justice and future attacks on other openly lgbt activists can be prevented.
The media also needs to play a big role in sensitizing the public to the cruelty behind this. I have not seen a single report in the electronic media though the print media seems to have done a fairly okay job. who is monitoring the media in malayalam and working with them ?
Living here in San Francisco one has the ability to forget how dangerous it is simply to be oneself in most other places in the world. Over the last few months while I’ve been preparing to move to Chennai I’ve been following many of the postings of several LGBT groups, and it has been a real eye opener to follow the struggle for liberation and equality that my brothers and sisters are engaged in throughout India. Whenever I hear of such an ugly act as this I’m deeply saddened, and it is my prayer, in whatever small way I may, that by being myself, helping to organize and act, we can turn the tide of hatred that many of us face. For those who knew Anil/Mariya, I am very sorry for your loss. — With love to you and to those you love, Shawn Thomas
sad. how sad!
this is specially sad coming from a people that prides itself as the most highly educated in india. what is the purpose of education if not to learn about the environment around us and the world we live in, besides try and become better human beings?
what about religion? do they teach us morals or how to become bigots?
even animals dont kill each other, except for food.
these murderers are worse than animals!