Seeking participants for legal research study on queer/trans* relationships in India

Sourav Mandal, a PhD candidate at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, is seeking participants for a study on the impact of laws relating to marriage on same-sex and other queer/trans relationships in India.
This study aims to understand the facets of discrimination experienced by people in same-sex and other queer/trans relationships because of their relationship status; and to examine the relationship shared by the parties to such relations between themselves and with other persons/institutions.
The expected results of this study are (i) a critique of Indian laws relating to marriage, based on the real-life stories narrated by individuals in queer/trans relationships, and (ii) a case for recognizing rights of queer/trans people in relationships by using the Constitution as a tool of transformative justice to invoke protections of substantive equality and human dignity.
The scope of the study includes both dyadic (couple) and non-dyadic (poly) relationships that are viewed by the law as falling outside the presumed-cis, heterosexual norm. These could include, for example, relationships of two or more (cis/trans) women, (cis/trans) men, non-binary people, or cis-trans relationships where one or more of the individuals is gay/lesbian, bisexual, pansexual or queer. Individuals who are/were citizens of India, including those currently residing here, and those who grew up in India and are currently living abroad, are considered.
Methods used will include In-depth Interviews, Focus Group Discussions and Observation. The nature of questions to be posed to the participants would be generally open-ended and analytical questions. Responses may be recorded either by audio/video or in writing. Ethical issues of anonymity (when sought), informed consent and confidentiality will be strictly complied with.
Illustrative issues considered in the interview/FGD include openness about the relationship with family, social circles, neighborhood and/or workplace, discrimination faced in housing, banking, and other areas, financial dependence and violence (physical, sexual, emotional) encountered.
To learn more or participate, email [email protected] or call +91 74064 47531.