Seeking participants for online survey of cis gay/bi men above 40 in India

Anupam Sharma, a postgraduate student from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar, is carrying out a mixed-methods study to understand the everyday experience, including challenges, struggles and negotiations, of gay, bisexual and other men who are attracted to men in India, and are above the age of 40. The study has been approved by the institutional ethics committee.
Anupam writes, “Many studies have shown that growing older brings with it a lot of health complications in our community. People tend to feel lonely and depressed, with mental health further affected by ageist and disparaging statements on GrindrTM and other dating platforms.”
He has already completed the qualitative (in-depth interview) component of his study, with participants ranging from 40 to over 80 years of age. He is now seeking participants for the online survey, with a sample size of 200 (about 140 responses have been received as of February-end, 2019).
Inclusion criteria:
- Cis (i.e. non-trans) gay, bisexual and other men attracted to men, regardless of relationship or marital status
- Of Indian origin and residing in India at present
- Above 40 as of the date of taking the survey
If you meet these criteria, click here to take the online survey. It will take no more than 15-25 minutes. Participation in this research is entirely voluntary and can be terminated at any point. Confidentiality will be maintained.