Inclusion without Explosion

What we need in the workplace is an atmosphere of continuous and intrinsic inclusiveness that is not contingent on people being out. Such an atmosphere is not created merely by companies jumping on the gay-friendly bandwagon because of commands from headquarters or new policy imposed on a local office by the powers that be. Knowledge, sensitivity and genuine intent to address LGBTQ issues are the needs of the hour.

Yes, I am

Prashanth recounts his personal journey over the past year: a year that has given him confidence to accept who he is, confidence to drop plans of marriage to a girl, and confidence to come out to a really close friend.

Being a Transexual

Being a Transexual

Every transsexual goes through a battle to relate her personal feelings to the society and often to his/her own family. But certainly that is what makes us that much stronger and wholesome. Atleast we take on the mental conditioning of society, feel a lot more liberated and question suppression. And being a Transexual for me is not about the glamour or the awe-struck compliments from sleazy men. Its about being ME!