Tamil Wikipedia Media Contest: A unique Opportunity for the LGBT Community

To increase the quality of media content related to Tamil and Tamilians and to attract non-text contributors like photographers, graphic artists, animators, map and video makers to Tamil wiki projects, the Tamil Wikipedia team is currently running a Media contest.
- You can contribute original photos, animations, videos, graphs, maps, audio files related to Tamil and Tamils and win prizes.
- People from all over the world can participate
- The rules are simple and prizes are attractive (850 USD in total!)
- Winners will also be awarded wiki certificates
To know more about the contest, contest rules, participation guidelines, contest FAQs and prizes, visit Wikipedia contest pages.
This is also a great opportunity for the Tamil LGBT community!
Tamil wiki articles related to LGBT topics are currently illustrated with images of LGBT people from non-Tamil ethnicity and background.
It will be powerful and the articles will easily connect with the readers if they were illustrated with images of LGBT Tamils.
Knowing the reach of Wikipedia, this is also an unique opportunity to counter the biased, anti-LGBT argument that “LGBT folks don’t exist in Indian culture.”

These are just few examples. Tamil Wikipedia is looking for all kinds of images: Transgenders, Bisexuals, Hijras, Kothis and images from other Queer communities, Pride parades, Same-sex marriages and many more.
Please participate and spread the word. Please share this link with your friends and families and invite them to participate as well.
Together we can shape the Tamil cyber space!
Images and links: Tamil Wikipedia
Thanks Bala Jeyaraman for letting us know about the contest.